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McKenna Z, Fennel Z, Berkemier Q, Nava R, Amorim F, Deyhle M, & Mermier C. (2022). Exercise Performed in Hypobaric Hypoxia Increases Markers of Intestinal Injury and Symptoms of Gastrointestinal Distress. Experimental Physiology.


McKenna Z, Gorini Pereira F, Gillum T, Amorim F, Deyhle M, & Mermier C. (2022). High altitude exposures and intestinal barrier dysfunction. American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology.


Ducharme J, McKenna Z, & Deyhle M. (2022). Exercise mitigates the Toll of muscle atrophy: A narrative review of the effects of exercise on Toll-like receptor-4 in leukocytes and skeletal muscle cells. American Journal of Physiology- Cell Physiology.


Nava R, McKenna Z, Fennel Z, Berkemier Q, Ducharme J, Magalhaes F, Amorim F, & Mermier C. (2022). The Role of HIF-1 in Regulating Muscle Gene Expression Following Repeated Sprint Exercise in Hypoxia. European Journal of Applied Physiology.


Li Z, McKenna Z, Fennel Z, Nava R, Wells A, Ducharme J, Houck J, Mermier C, Kuennen M, Magalhaes F, & Amorim F. (2022). The combined effects of exercise-induced muscle damage and heat stress on acute kidney stress and heat strain during subsequent endurance exercise. European Journal of Applied Physiology.


Ducharme J, McKenna Z, Gibson A, & Mermier C. (2022). Can linear regression confirm VO2max was attained in middle-aged and older adults? European Journal of Applied Physiology.


Mang, Z., Realzolo, R., Ducharme, J.B., Bellissimo, G., Mermier, C., & Amorim, F. (2022). The effect of repetition tempo on physiological and training variables. European Journal of Applied Physiology.


Bellissimo, G., Ducharme, J.B., Mang, Z., Millender, D., Smith, J., Stork, M., Little, J., Deyhle, M., Gibson, A., Magalheas, F., & Amorim (2022). The Acute Physiological and Perceptual Responses Between Bodyweight and Treadmill Running High-Intensity Interval Exercises. Frontiers in Physiology, 13:824154.


Mang Z.A., Ducharme J.B., Mermier C., Kravitz, L, Magalheas, F.C., & Amorim, F. (2022). Aerobic Adaptations to Resistance Training: The Role of Time under Tension. International Journal of Sports Medicine.


Hallam, L. C., & Amorim, F. T. (2021). Expanding the Gap: An Updated Look Into Sex Differences in Running Performance. Frontiers in Physiology, 12, 804149.


Gripp, F., de Jesus Gomes, G., De Sousa, R. A. L., Alves de Andrade, J., Pinheiro Queiroz, I., Diniz Magalhães, C. O., Cassilhas, R. C., de Castro Magalhães, F., Amorim, F. T., & Dias-Peixoto, M. F. (2022). A Real-World High-Intensity Interval Training Protocol for Cardiorespiratory Fitness Improvement. Journal of Visualized Experiments: JoVE, 180.


Lardier, D. T., Zuhl, M. N., Holladay, K. R., Amorim, F. T., Heggenberger, R., & Coakley, K. E. (2022). A Latent Class Analysis of Mental Health Severity and Alcohol Consumption: Associations with COVID-19-Related Quarantining, Isolation, Suicidal Ideations, and Physical Activity. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 1–24.


de Lima, N. S., De Sousa, R. A. L., Amorim, F. T., Gripp, F., Diniz E Magalhães, C. O., Henrique Pinto, S., Peixoto, M. F. D., Monteiro-Junior, R. S., Bourbeau, K., & Cassilhas, R. C. (2022). Moderate-intensity continuous training and high-intensity interval training improve cognition, and BDNF levels of middle-aged overweight men. Metabolic Brain Disease, 37(2), 463–471.


Ducharme, J. B., Hsiao, Y.-Y., Gibson, A. L., & Mermier, C. M. (2022). Predictive model specific to young adults for estimating thoracic gas volume for air-displacement plethysmography. Clinical Physiology and Functional Imaging, 42(2), 96–103.



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