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Here at the UNM Exercise Physiology Lab we offer a variety of testing services to the UNM community and the general public. These tests indluude assessments of cardiovascular endurance, pulmonary function, body composition, muscular strength and power, and various blood profiles.










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VO2max (Maximal Oxygen Consumption)

VO2max, or the maximum rate of oxygen consumption refers to the maximum amount of oxygen that an individual can utilize during maximal exercise. This measurement is considered to be the best indicator of cardiovascular fitness and aerobic endurance. By using a mouthpiece and nose clip to capture your expired air, we directly measure volume and gas concentrations.  The test involves either exercising on a treadmill or a bike at an intensity that increases every few minutes until exhaustion, and is designed to achieve a maximal effort in 8-12 minutes. Your heart rate, workload, and ventilatory thresholds measured during the test will help you monitor exercise intensity during your workouts and help guide your training and improve your fitness. A full report with all of your data will be provided, along with exercise recommendations, if requested.

Community: $150

UNMH Employee: $110

UNM Employee: $65

UNM Student: $55


Blood Lactate Testing

Lactate threshold testing is useful for determining exercise intensity for training and racing in endurance sports. The test involves exercising on a treadmill or a bike that increases in intensity every 3-8 minutes until exhaustion. This test lasts longer than the 8-12 min for a standard VO2max test, taking 20+ min. Blood lactate is sampled from either the ear lobe or finger throughout the test and blood lactate concentrations are used to determine your lactate threshold and maximal lactate concentration (if requested). Lactate threshold refers to the exercise intensity where lactate production exceeds clearance and is related to performance for endurance sports. A full report with all of your data will provided, along with exercise recommendations, if requested.

Community: $150

UNMH Employee: $110

UNM Employee: $65

UNM Student: $55


Exercise Stress Test

An exercise stress test shows how your heart works during physical activity. The test can help determine your risk of having heart disease and assist in developing a safe exercise program. Because exercise makes your heart pump harder and faster, an exercise stress test can reveal problems with blood flow within your heart. A stress test involves walking on a treadmill or riding a stationary bike which becomes progressively more difficult. Your blood pressure will be measured, and your heart rate and rhythm are monitored with a 12-lead ECG.


In certain situations, a physician may be present, though we cannot test anyone with known cardiovascular disease or symptoms of disease.

Community: $150

UNMH Employee: $110

UNM Employee: $65

UNM Student: $55


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Hydrostatic Weighing + Residual Volume

Hydrostatic weighing with measured residual volume is a valid (accuracy ± 1.5% error) and reliable estimation of your body fat and fat-free mass. Hydrostatic weighing (or underwater weighing) involves sitting in a chair suspended from a scale in a tank of warm water. You will be asked to exhale all of the air from your lungs while you are totally immersed underwater, during which your weight is measured. This is done several times in order to ensure accuracy.


To increase the accuracy of hydrostatic weighing, a residual volume (RV) test is also conducted; this test provides an accurate measurement of the amount of air trapped in the respiratory system once you have exhaled as much air as possible. This test is needed only the first time you have the hydrostatic weighing test and is good for 8 years.


Community: $50

UNMH Employee: $35

UNM Student: $30

UNM Student: $25



The Bod Pod is method of assessing body composition using air displacement (accuracy ±1 to 3% error). It is a quick, automated, noninvasive measurement process that involves sitting in a small, enclosed machine with a window for up to 5 minutes. This test accommodates most populations including children, obese, elderly, and disabled persons. Note: This method is not accurate for those with facial and/or dense body hair. 

Community: $50

UNMH Employee: $35

UNM Student: $30

UNM Student: $25



A 3-site skinfold measurement using calipers is used to predict relative body fat and lean mass. Skinfold measurement sites differ between sexes: triceps, suprailiac, and thigh for women; chest, abdomen, and thigh for men. This body composition technique is not as accurate as hydrostatic weighing but still estimates body fat with reasonable accuracy (±3.5% error). It is a good technique to monitor changes over time.

Community: $10

UNMH Employee: $10

UNM Employee: $10

UNM Student: $5


Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis (BIA)

This is the quickest and least invasive method of body composition assessment. This technique uses very low electrical currents to determine body fat percentage with reasonable accuracy (±3.5% error) as long as pre-test instructions are followed.

Community: $15

UNMH Employee: $15

UNM Employee: $15

UNM Student: $15


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Strength Testing

We test muscular strength using 1 repetition maximum tests. We will provide you with your 1-RM or estimated 1-RM. Further, results will be compared to age/gender norms. In certain limited situations, isokinetic strength (performed at a fixed speed with the resistance matching the muscle force) using a Biodex is also available.

Community: $20

UNMH Employee: $20

UNM Employee: $15

UNM Student: $15


Wingate Testing

The Wingate test is a 30-second all-out exhaustive test that requires pedaling against a very high resistance that is set at a percentage of body weight. This test will assess maximal and average anaerobic power and fatigue index, which are important factors in sports that require quick, all-out efforts.

Community: $20

UNMH Employee: $20

UNM Employee: $20

UNM Student: $20


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Blood Tests

We contract with Quest Diagnostics to provide several blood tests including: Lipid panel, Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1C), and fasting glucose testing. Other tests may be available upon request (i.e., testosterone, C-Reactive Protein, iron).

Please reach out for specific pricing

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Resting Metabolic Rate

This test will determine how many calories your body burns at rest. During this test, you will lay down for 25-30 minutes while breathing into a canopy/tube that is connected to a gas analysis machine. This test will give you the data you (or your dietician or nutritionist) need to best plan a weight loss, weight gain, or weight maintenance program.

Community: $50

UNMH Employee: $35

UNM Employee: $35

Students: $25


​Phone: (505) 277-2658

Fax: (505) 277-9742

Johnson Center

200 Cornell Dr.

Albuquerque, NM 87131

Mon - Fri: 7am - 5pm

​​Saturday & Sunday : Closed

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